Buna ziua, Daca ati reusit sa raspundeti la aceasta intrebare, va invit sa parcurgeti si anuntul pe care il face membrilor AJTR, cercetatorul Alexandra...

Buna ziua,
Daca ati reusit sa raspundeti la aceasta intrebare, va invit sa parcurgeti si anuntul pe care il face membrilor AJTR, cercetatorul Alexandra Zbuchea:

The Journal of Tourism Challenges and Trends invites paper proposals on the anthropology of tourism. The gust-editor of this special issue, planned to be printed in Dec. 2013, is Ass.Prof.Dr. Tamas Regi. He proposes a deep investigation around the question:
What distinguishes the anthropology of tourism from other tourism related disciplines?

Deadline: 1st July 2013
More details: www.journaltct.ro

The Journal of Tourism Challenges and Trends is a double – blind peer reviewed academic publication. It is Indexed in some major databases: Cabell, ProQuest, CEEOL, Questia, EBSCO and others.

Best regards
Alexandra Zbuchea

Assistant Proffesor, Dr.
College of Management
National University of Political Studies and Public Administration